How I review books

If you would like me to review or promote one of your books, you can send me an email at

Books I review: 
I review GENERAL FICTION, YOUNG ADULT and FANTASY, but I'm cool with other genres. I prefer hard copies of books but e-books are okay, preferably in PDF, epub, Kindle, or Adobe Digital formats. 

How long it takes: 

I'm usually able to finish and review a book within a week, but of course it also depends on the other things that I'm busy with. It might take some time for the review to come up, but you can rest assured I will review every book that I receive.

A typical review consists of the book cover and a summary of the book. There may or may not be spoilers in the review, but if ever I include one, it will be because it is needed. Of course, I will include my own opinion about the book, which may or may not be favorable. I can only assure you that the review I post is honest and fair. I might quote other reviewers' opinions, but at the end of the day, what you will be reading is my thoughts and mine alone.

Aside from this blog, you may also read my reviews on Goodreads and Twitter. I can also post a review elsewhere upon request.

My rating system: 
I do not claim to be an expert book critic. However, here is my rating system, just so you'd know what I think about a particular book: 

  • ★★★★★ : I SUPER LOVE THIS BOOK - It is oozing with awesomeness :D
  • ★★★★☆ : FANTABULOUS! - Such a great read!
  • ★★★☆☆ : GENERALLY OK - Not bad, but not life-changing.
  • ★★☆☆☆ : OKAY - Just to pass the time.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ : ZzzzZzzZzz - Huh? Why was this written again? ZzzzZZzzz....
  • ☆☆☆☆☆ : Okay...NO.
We all have our own opinions, and I would appreciate it if you respected my reviews as much as I  respect yours. We might not see eye-to-eye when it comes to my tastes, but I am not averse to comments and recommendations from other readers.

An announcement regarding Advance Readers' Copies (ARCs):
Sometimes, authors send ARCs to reviewers/book bloggers for the sake of reviews. A very important issue in the book-blogging community is the selling of ARCs to readers. I would like to make clear that any and all ARCs that I receive will never be sold or exchanged for the sake of material or financial gain. I am a mere book collector and I intend to keep things that way. I may give away ARCs as prizes, but I WILL NEVER SELL THEM.  

Again, please remember that selling and buying ARCs are illegal.